Strategic Management


For newly appointed Managers in their first managerial role, this practical course provides a comprehensive overview of management theory & practice. Focusing on combining the essential skills of time management, people resource management, leadership skills, performance and change management.

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Identify development needs of self & others to achieve objectives
  • Know how to use effective time management to prioritise
  • Identify leadership skills to build a balanced team to achieve objectives
  • Know how to motivate the team to improve performance
  • Understand the forces for change in an organisation
  • Develop a Personal Action Plan to becoming a successful manager


Developing as an effective Manager requires you to know what your responsibilities are: your level of authority, your level of accountability, the duties you are required to discharge as a Manager and who is there to help you perform effectively. It also requires you to understand the organisation you work for, to understand the structure of the organisation, the mechanisms, the way it behaves and the reasons why it behaves in the way it does - the culture of the organisation.

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Reflect on the role of the Manager
  • What does ‘being a Manager’ mean?
  • Identify the key changes involved for you as a person
  • Identify what you bring to the role
  • Identify you future learning & development needs
  • Understanding management theories and applying them to everyday practice


By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Understand what stress is, what causes it and the effects that it has
  • Recognise symptoms of stress in themselves and others
  • Understand the role of the manager in identifying and reducing stress in their teams
  • Explain the HSE factors that need to be assessed and managed in the workplace
  • Use a whole range of short ‘stress busters’ to manage their own stress levels
  • Have a longer term plan for managing their personal stress and the stress of their teams


Bullying & harassment claims can take a considerable amount of time and effort to investigate. This practical course will provide Managers advise to ensure that they foster an environment that discourages it and the confidence to discuss a problem to do with bullying & harassment.

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Define & recognise bullying & harassing behaviours
  • Understand why bullying & harassment must be tackled
  • Look at ways to support those being bullied or harassed
  • Develop strategies to confront & deal with unacceptable behaviour
  • Understand the importance of their own workplace policy in relation to tackling the issues


For managers, supervisors or team leaders who need a better understanding of how and when to delegate and to develop their knowledge & understanding of organising and delegating effectively. Whether your job title is ‘manager’ or ‘team leader’ or ‘supervisor’ – if you have people reporting to you, you are in a position to DELEGATE. Effective delegation enables you to get work done through other people & is central to effective management. Delegation is a powerful tool; not only can it free up time to work on tasks that really matter, but it can also provide a great opportunity for your delegate to gain knowledge, experience & confidence – if used correctly.

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Know how to delegate to achieve workplace objectives
  • Describe the difference between ‘delegation’ and ‘empowerment’
  • Identify the barriers to effective delegation
  • Understand how to motivate the team to improve performance
  • Identify positive approaches to offset negative attitudes in the workplace