
Client Testimonials

We asked Colin Prior from Rolls-Royce Leisure for a testimonial and this is what he sent us!
Dynamic Risk Associates Testimonial

"Rolls-Royce Leisure engaged Dynamic Rick Associates to look at our risk management, before this we had no risk management in place. We also had no RIDDOR reported accidents, no nears misses, no long term sickness, and no legal claims and all the employees were happy.

Except Mike he’s always been worried.

The garden was Rosie. Since employing DRA I am happy to say we now have been inspected by HSE following two RIDDOR reported accidents had an increase in near misses have three employees on long term sickness and the employees no longer speak to ether of the Colin’s even the nice one!

Mikes still worried so he`s happy

The roses have died I`m in court on Monday being sued by my staff. I’m also frightened to get out of bed in the mornings as there’s danger every ware. In conclusion, ask yourself can you live without this dude David and his Dynamic team ? "

You’ll always find a sense of humour at dynamic 360!
And then the proper one!

"Rolls-Royce Leisure engaged Dynamic Rick Associates to look at our risk management, there followed a complete business review with training needs identified and delivered. This resulted in a more productive work force. I personally have found David and his team very knowledgeable & helpful and cannot recommend them highly enough".

Colin Prior
Leisure Manager
Rolls-Royce Leisure

"Like all responsible organisations we identified the need to engage specialist services for Health & Safety advice, Dynamic Risk Associates were presented to us as being experts in their field which includes Health & Safety.

It became quickly apparent that the advice provided by David Simms and his team would be invaluable in the day to day operation of our Company, we started with Health & Safety but now utilise a number of management support services provided by Dynamic Risk Associates. Working with the team at DRA we have taken our organisation to a different level, being able to offer improvements to our products and services as well as structure to our organisation.

Anyone looking for or considering expert business advice and support should consider talking to DRA, you may not like what they have to say but it will be the right advice for your business.

Colin Bancroft
General Manager
Rolls-Royce Leisure

“I have been working with David Simms and his team at DRA for almost one year now. They offer me a personalised service for all my Health & Safety, Risk Management, HR and Staff Training solutions at Bar Sport Maidenhead. This is my first business where I have a large number of staff working for me so having an experienced team on hand any time to deal with any issues that will crop up really helps me and enables me to focus my time managing the business. I have just renewed my contract with them for another year. I would happily recommend DRA and look forward to continue working with them in the future.”

Kareem Naaman
Managing Director

Cedar Sports Management Limited
Bar Sport Maidenhead

“DRA provide my clients with first class advice and support for their businesses through practical risk management. In difficult economic times their ability to tailor packages to individual budgets means I can thoroughly recommend them at every level.”

John Axon
JMA Consultancy Ltd

"Dynamic 360 were recommend to us as an organisation who could provide us with a wide range of professional business support services which we were both ill equipped to provide and unable to employ dedicated staff for. David and his team have provided us with support in Health & Safety, Human Resources & Fire compliance. Dynamic identified a number of potential shortfalls in our business which could have led to significant problems in the event of a claim, and these have now been addressed.

We have found Dynamics package to be good value and they have made us operational savings well in excess of the cost of their services. Staff morale has also been improved and there have been many other benefits for our business. We are so impressed with Davids team that we have invited them to advise the members of National Police Clubs Forum. We can without reservation commend Dynamics services as cost effective and professional".

Darren Butterfield
Greater Manchester Police
Hough End Center

"I have known David professionally for more than 12 years and have the utmost respect for his expertise and professionalism. I have no hesitation in recommending him as the perfect risk and safety management ally for any modern forward looking business".

John Matthews
Management Consultant

"Thought I would drop you a quick email to say thanks again for an enjoyable course."

Lee Harvey
Operations Director, Piggotts Company Limited

"Just a quick line to thank you for getting me through my NEBOSH general and exams. I achieved a pass overall. Once again i would like to thank you for a well run and delivered course and if a chance to have further instruction from you the i would gladly take up the chance".

Michael Langford

"I have just received my NEBOSH results, and may I start by thanking you for your excellent tuition. I am not sure I would have got through the course without your expert guidance".

Stephen Wells
Group Facilities Manager, Hobbycraft Group Limited

"I have received a PASS in all elements of the NEBOSH Gen cert. I am happy with the marks awarded as i did have some concerns with the second paper.

Thanks again for your training and friendship".

James Stewart

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the help and support you gave me during the NEBOSH course in Southampton last year, to let you know I passed and I am really chuffed however I could have not done it without you and your constant encouragement and leadership.

Basically mate you’re a bloody star and an inspiration and I owe you big time,. Once again a big thank you mate".

Mark Norton
Hygiene Manager, Nicholas & Harris

"Again many thanks for support over the past 4 days, I enjoyed the course and believe I have taken away many useful aspect to apply in the workplace.
Also you have an open invite to visit BMW Plant 35.0, in Swindon, postcode SN3 4PE. Please ring me prior to your visit and I will personally ensure you have a comprehensive tour of our Pressing facility".

Dave Smith
TO-320 Process Group Leader, Logistics and Blanking, Plant 35.0, Swindon

"David Simms completed the course for us as the instructor and he was brilliant, he made the course really enjoyable for all, put everyone at ease and was without a doubt the font of all knowledge. Thanks for supplying him as our tutor".

Darren George
Director, Fire Care Solutions Ltd

"I have just had a phone call from Mike Jackson at Eriks. Mike has asked me to pass on his thanks for your delivery of the IOSH Managing Safely course at their Bitteswell facility. According to Mike their internal feedback forms have registered the highest score / satisfaction level that they have ever had. This is praise indeed and I would like to thank you for a job very well done".

Ian F. Cliffen, I Business Manager CRS Ltd

"It's been a fun and interesting week and have I learned many great new skills many thanks, keep in touch you seem a knowledgeable person to know and if your down this end again don't hesitate to contact us for a beer. All the best mate".

Shaun Hatch

"Hi Dave - Its Jeff from the NEBOSH Course. Fantastic week mate. Many thanks to you for that".

Jeff Moore

"Just a quick note to say thank you for making the course this week informative and enjoyable at the same time. To say that at the start of the week I was a Health and Safety dinosaur would be an understatement, you have changed my point of view to a forward thinking proactive conkers bonkers Health and safety nut !!!! Well ok not that far, but I have changed my point of view considerably".

Malcolm Phillips
Service Centre Manager, ERIKS UK, Integrated Solutions

"Hi Rebecca, I would just like to say that the recent 5th to 8th December IOSH Managing Safely course was very enjoyable. Dave Simms did an excellent job in presenting the course. He made it very interactive with the candidates and although the content is of a very serious nature it was presented in a light hearted manner and at a pace enabling all candidates to absorb it.

Dave was also very supportive of anyone who didn’t grasp the points he was trying to make by going over it again if needed. I found the course very informative and enjoyable. I will be able to take the lessons learnt during the course and utilize them during the course of my normal working day.

I would recommend this course to anyone in a supervisory role.

Congratulations to all concerned in producing what can only be described as an excellent course".

Steve Ellerby
Contract Manager, Eriks UK , Integrated Solutions